Wednesday, May 12, 2010

what I think of education.....

I think the question I can take an emotional level or objective plane ...
the way was long, when he was studying in secondary schools did not prepare to enter college right away ... the following year I worked in many jobs part-time and full-time, an experience which helped me a lot to grow and define my choices .. the following year studied at the Universidad Austral, expriencia I appreciate, because it was very useful to have a more holistic vision of education .... to have a critical perspective.
In middle school I was lucky to be involved in the student movement, I was leader of my high school in the "pinguinazo" in 2006, the year I graduated.
The vision of education from my point of view is rather critical, I think that most of the statutes are made with economic interests on the premiza that the masses can not be controlled if they are educated, because knowledge is power and freedom.
respect to the authority think it is a place which aims to create good professionals, but not enough tools and human and economic resources to achieve it fully, in spite of this I think is the best place might be, assuming the failures that exist.
Education in Chile is in crisis, further public education ....
all failures coupled with the lack of teaching vocation, do not allow to make this place better ...
However, being in this faculty enriches me, I have met wonderful people who want to make this world a better place.

1 comment:

Isaias said...

Hello Renata... It is very nice for my to post your written, I have many things I agree with you about Education. I think whwn people is educated they have the capacity to choose their course consciously and they can judge about the society and the world in which they live. I supposed you had been a leader in the students demostrations os the year 2009, ajjajaaja... I hope you like my post... se you tomorrow, Bye