Wednesday, May 12, 2010

why I want to be a veterinarian?

I want to be a veterinarian because I believe in animal rights, and believe me capable of fighting for them ....
since I have memory that might be a vet, I always questioned the fact of using animals for economic interests ....
I think animals are great companions in life, for its purity and loyalty, are an example of friendly creatures ...
I have complicated this question along this path, because I feel it is very complex to define a reason why one chooses the path of his life ....
When I was a little girl longed to have a pet, but my family would not allow it ... all were surprised to feel a strong love for animals, because nobody I knew liked !.... but one day my grandmother told me that my grandfather died, which I never knew, loved animals! .. . He was from the field, and had horses, I knew who was sleeping there leaning on the belly of his horse and had lots of animals! ...
I am not proposing that the vocation is heritable, but I believe in the determination by the environment in which we grow .... and customs that are passed from generation to generation can not forget .... we are a combination of factors: heredity , Temperament, substance, and environment.
I can not leave behind this story to my cousin, a student at the same power .... met again at age 13when she went to live in my grandmother's house ....Joining together in our journey to achieve the dream .... in our high school work in shelters for abandoned animals, giving them in adoption, rescuing animals from abuse, participated in marches for animal liberation .... also we became vegetarian two early ... as we age 8 years with this way of life .... and we do not leave .....
this way of life was very troubled in my home because I got to have a lot of pets at home with my mother's displeasure, and the concern of having a different diet.
my projections seem very dreamy as a vet but I think change is possible .... I want to leave a legacy .. and living conditions of animals change .... I have not yet identified which will take as a professional specialty, but I have ruled out the possibility of working in "animal production", I try to work and learn so many areas of veterinary science, I love the conservation of endangered animals Chilean and non-endemic, control of overpopulation of stray animals and somehow work with animal protection laws .... and finally I would like to make the specialty of veterinary neurology ...
This was an excerpt from my way up here ... a hug to everyone who took the time to read it .... and I hope you are all happy to be studying this career ...kiss!!...


Anonymous said...

Hi!!! Thank for your post...
I think like you, it is very important respect for the animals.
and it's great to know that moving your acture vocation, is a fundamental pillar.
is good to know that we have similar thoughts and ideas!
Hugs and Kisses

Gino Alessandro said...

Hi Renata how are you?

your ideas about the career it's very well, I think wiht you represent the spirit the a great veterinary.
see you

Miss said...

I want to be a veterinarian because I believe in animal rights, and believe me capable of fighting for them ....
since I have memory that might be a vet, I always questioned the fact of using animals for economic interests ....
I think animals are great companions in life, for its purity and loyalty, are an example of friendly creatures ...
I have ??complicated this question along this path, because I feel it is very complex to define a reason why one chooses the path of WW his life ....
When I was a little girl longed to have a pet, but my family would not allow it ... all were surprised to feel a strong love for animals, because nobody I knew WW liked !.... but one day my grandmother told me that my grandfather died, which I never knew, loved animals! .. . He was from the field, and had horses, I knew who was sleeping there leaning on the belly of his horse and had lots of animals! ...
I am not proposing that the vocation is heritable, but I believe in the determination by the environment in which we grow .... and customs that are passed from generation to generation can not forget .... we are a combination of factors: heredity , Temperament, substance, and environment.
I can not leave behind this story to my cousin, a student at the same power .... met again at age 13when she went to live in my grandmother's house ....Joining together in our journey to achieve the dream .... in our high school work in shelters for abandoned animals, giving them in adoption, rescuing animals from abuse, participated in marches for animal liberation .... also we became vegetarianWW two early ... as we age 8 years with this way of life .... and we do not leave .....
this way of life was very troubled in my home because I got to have a lot of pets at home with my mother's displeasure, and the concern of having a different diet.
my projections seem very dreamy as a vet but I think change is possible .... I want to leave a legacy .. and living conditions of animals change .... I have not yet identified which will take as a professional specialty, but I have ruled out the possibility of working in "animal production", I try to work and learn so many areas of veterinary science, I love the conservation of endangered animals Chilean and non-endemic, control of overpopulation of stray animals and somehow work with animal protection laws .... and finally I would like to make the specialty of veterinary neurology ...
This was an excerpt from my way up here ... a hug to everyone who took the time to read it .... and I hope you are all happy to be studying this career ...kiss!!.

well done! very good and clear reasons...
Be careful with punctuation though ok?