Monday, June 28, 2010

My dream job is: in a comfortable place to do my work quiet, such as one that is in my property, just as my own clinic or ecological reserve which may have endangered animals with a good rehabilitation program, but I'd like to start making a good practice with a good boss or tutor, as in the neurological hospital or at the Veterinary Hospital of Santiago, in which there are many good professionals who could teach me his experience and mainly learning to use the machines and tools that have the last generation.

Parallel during the race I would love to start tutoring at El Roble to learn how to work with limited resources in primary care.
My dream is to have my animal rehabilitation center in danger of extinction of native fauna, and also help with the legislation of animal protection laws to the above, need to work with good partners and professionals who have the same desire to achieve the dream. The truth is that I have determined which is the job that I will stay, if not I would make many projects.
With regard to retail clinic, I work in controlling overpopulation of stray animals, sterilization projects running accequibles prices, in addition to preparing an effective education program of responsible pet ownership.

What I want most is happy to be working and not fall into the monotony that leaves many professionals not wanting to do his job, always feel that I'm doing and why I do not why, enjoying it day by day

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My favourite subject

Physiology is my favorite subject because it is the basis for understanding the functioning animal, recognizing and understanding life processes to apply to systems or sections of the animal body. I think the first approach to veterinary medicine of junior college. Here we first meet clinical cases and pathologies that are associated with them. The classes I most liked are those dictated by the teacher Dr.Raggi, because the method has to teach is to meet fully the explanation without having to take notes, because he believes that it can simultaneously perform two cognitive processes that is, write and understand. After the explanation the teacher gives a paragraph summarizing specifically. Which I think is excellent, because you can understand better explained. Although the subject is very complex and demanding I like because it is essential to understand the basics of animal functioning as the name implies.
The issue that interests me most is the renal physiology, because I have a close relative with chronic renal failure so I was very important to understand, but not the teacher dictated Raggi and was more complicated to understand, I did liked!.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I admire....

Enzo Bosco Vidal
Veterinarian (U. de Chile):

Neurologist and Neurosurgeon Neurological Institute and veterinary specialists.
He is a graduate and graduate of the University of Chile.
Currently a candidate for Master in Animal Pathology, University of Chile.
Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Science, University of Chile and the Universidad Mayor.
Diploma of Veterinary Radiology, University of Chile.
Founder and Medical Director of the Neurological Institute and veterinary specialists.
Founder and President of the Latin American Association of Veterinary Neurology.
Dr. Bosco has presented scientific papers and case studies in countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia.
He has been invited as a speaker in the area of Neurology and
Neurosurgery at the University of North Carolina United States.
Attended the course of external fixation in the spine and course of Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery Veterinary North Carolina United States.
He attended an internship at the University of North Carolina United States.

Dr. Bosco is married and has two children, Andrew and Paulina Enzo Bethlehem, both in school. Has as the tennis sport. His hobby is music and a collection of hats.

Why I admire this vet?
Because he was a dreamer, the doctor to leave the university set out to be a veterinary neurosurgeon despite support anyone.
Until then, neurology knew only in human medicine, but no one dared to venture into the vet.
The doctor was a professional visionary driving the specialty to create the first hospital of veterinary neurology.
His work seems laudable because it was brave and followed his convictions.
The development of veterinary specialties open the way to create better care to patients.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

what I think of education.....

I think the question I can take an emotional level or objective plane ...
the way was long, when he was studying in secondary schools did not prepare to enter college right away ... the following year I worked in many jobs part-time and full-time, an experience which helped me a lot to grow and define my choices .. the following year studied at the Universidad Austral, expriencia I appreciate, because it was very useful to have a more holistic vision of education .... to have a critical perspective.
In middle school I was lucky to be involved in the student movement, I was leader of my high school in the "pinguinazo" in 2006, the year I graduated.
The vision of education from my point of view is rather critical, I think that most of the statutes are made with economic interests on the premiza that the masses can not be controlled if they are educated, because knowledge is power and freedom.
respect to the authority think it is a place which aims to create good professionals, but not enough tools and human and economic resources to achieve it fully, in spite of this I think is the best place might be, assuming the failures that exist.
Education in Chile is in crisis, further public education ....
all failures coupled with the lack of teaching vocation, do not allow to make this place better ...
However, being in this faculty enriches me, I have met wonderful people who want to make this world a better place.

a great song!!....

why I want to be a veterinarian?

I want to be a veterinarian because I believe in animal rights, and believe me capable of fighting for them ....
since I have memory that might be a vet, I always questioned the fact of using animals for economic interests ....
I think animals are great companions in life, for its purity and loyalty, are an example of friendly creatures ...
I have complicated this question along this path, because I feel it is very complex to define a reason why one chooses the path of his life ....
When I was a little girl longed to have a pet, but my family would not allow it ... all were surprised to feel a strong love for animals, because nobody I knew liked !.... but one day my grandmother told me that my grandfather died, which I never knew, loved animals! .. . He was from the field, and had horses, I knew who was sleeping there leaning on the belly of his horse and had lots of animals! ...
I am not proposing that the vocation is heritable, but I believe in the determination by the environment in which we grow .... and customs that are passed from generation to generation can not forget .... we are a combination of factors: heredity , Temperament, substance, and environment.
I can not leave behind this story to my cousin, a student at the same power .... met again at age 13when she went to live in my grandmother's house ....Joining together in our journey to achieve the dream .... in our high school work in shelters for abandoned animals, giving them in adoption, rescuing animals from abuse, participated in marches for animal liberation .... also we became vegetarian two early ... as we age 8 years with this way of life .... and we do not leave .....
this way of life was very troubled in my home because I got to have a lot of pets at home with my mother's displeasure, and the concern of having a different diet.
my projections seem very dreamy as a vet but I think change is possible .... I want to leave a legacy .. and living conditions of animals change .... I have not yet identified which will take as a professional specialty, but I have ruled out the possibility of working in "animal production", I try to work and learn so many areas of veterinary science, I love the conservation of endangered animals Chilean and non-endemic, control of overpopulation of stray animals and somehow work with animal protection laws .... and finally I would like to make the specialty of veterinary neurology ...
This was an excerpt from my way up here ... a hug to everyone who took the time to read it .... and I hope you are all happy to be studying this career ...kiss!!...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

because we are using this?

I now understand how this works, serves as the exhaust outlet of thoughts ...
personal overexposure can be a lethal weapon ... but now it has become a necessity to use these communication mechanisms as a means of socialization .... the needs and priorities are subjectivities after that....what do you think?.