Thursday, June 17, 2010

My favourite subject

Physiology is my favorite subject because it is the basis for understanding the functioning animal, recognizing and understanding life processes to apply to systems or sections of the animal body. I think the first approach to veterinary medicine of junior college. Here we first meet clinical cases and pathologies that are associated with them. The classes I most liked are those dictated by the teacher Dr.Raggi, because the method has to teach is to meet fully the explanation without having to take notes, because he believes that it can simultaneously perform two cognitive processes that is, write and understand. After the explanation the teacher gives a paragraph summarizing specifically. Which I think is excellent, because you can understand better explained. Although the subject is very complex and demanding I like because it is essential to understand the basics of animal functioning as the name implies.
The issue that interests me most is the renal physiology, because I have a close relative with chronic renal failure so I was very important to understand, but not the teacher dictated Raggi and was more complicated to understand, I did liked!.


Isaias said...

Hi Rena, I also like Animal Physiology, it is very interesting especially for we that study Veterinary Medicine... Good weekend for you , goodbye...

Miss said...

Physiology is my favorite subject because it is the basis for understanding the functioning animal, recognizing and understanding life processes to apply to systems or sections of the animal body. I think the first approach to veterinary medicine of junior college. Here we first meet clinical cases and pathologies that are associated with them. The classes I WO most liked are those dictated by the teacher Dr.Raggi, because the method has to teach is to meet fully the explanation without having to take notes, because he believes that it can simultaneously perform two cognitive processes that is, write and understand. After the explanation the teacher gives a paragraph summarizing specifically. Which I think is excellent, because you can understand better explained. Although the subject is very complex and demanding I like because it is essential to understand the basics of animal functioning as the name implies.
The issue that interests me most is the renal physiology, because I have a close relative with chronic renal failure so I was very important to understand, but not the teacher dictated Raggi and was more complicated to understand, I did WF liked!.

good you like an important subject from your career...
is this subject during the whole year?