Monday, June 28, 2010

My dream job is: in a comfortable place to do my work quiet, such as one that is in my property, just as my own clinic or ecological reserve which may have endangered animals with a good rehabilitation program, but I'd like to start making a good practice with a good boss or tutor, as in the neurological hospital or at the Veterinary Hospital of Santiago, in which there are many good professionals who could teach me his experience and mainly learning to use the machines and tools that have the last generation.

Parallel during the race I would love to start tutoring at El Roble to learn how to work with limited resources in primary care.
My dream is to have my animal rehabilitation center in danger of extinction of native fauna, and also help with the legislation of animal protection laws to the above, need to work with good partners and professionals who have the same desire to achieve the dream. The truth is that I have determined which is the job that I will stay, if not I would make many projects.
With regard to retail clinic, I work in controlling overpopulation of stray animals, sterilization projects running accequibles prices, in addition to preparing an effective education program of responsible pet ownership.

What I want most is happy to be working and not fall into the monotony that leaves many professionals not wanting to do his job, always feel that I'm doing and why I do not why, enjoying it day by day

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